Friday 26 June 2009

Let's get related

Cleast Eatwood consists of the swedish duo Erik Lindestad and Li Stanley, they're exactly the kind of band that I'd like to write about on this blog, serving a steaming hot dish of dreampop. They make me want to take that last train out to nowhere, lay down on the nearest beach and watch the sunset, feel the sun drench me from top to bottom during it's last few minutes, and just be overflown with that great feeling that I as a music fan am looking for in music.
                         Li Stanley and Erik Lindestad

Now to the song that I want to talk about, "Get Related". It's subject matter can easily be derived from the lyrics. It's about, well, getting related, nestling into the bedsheats without the late nights, booze and bad decisions. "No talking needed, let's jump ahead and get related". 

This song conjures up an image of high romantic tension, while there is no harsh tone in the entire song I cannot help also getting a feeling of melancholy as the voices so beautifuly interrupt the acoustic guitar . That while in the ideal world this is what "hooking up" would be like, without the emotional connection, a night of unbridled passion is easily ensued by a goodbye the next day. This also follows the idea that only unfulfilled love may be truly romantic, while our greatest love stories told such as Romeo and Juliet also follow that idea, it is at the same time a somewhat sad prospect, that of lonely hearts. 
But in a world dominated not by harmony, but by chaos, as Werner Herzog so nicely put it, it seems only right that we all should grab life by the throat and live it fully and without shame.

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1 comment:

  1. Is it just me or does Erik look a bit like Seymour Hoffman on this picture?
