Thursday 6 August 2009

Big lipped aligator moment

Well first off I guess I should apologise for the lack of posts in the last few weeks, but I just haven't really felt compelled to write something untill now. And well, I know it might seem odd posting about a game soundtrack, but hell, this is the most kickass track I've heard in a game yet, with too many bleeps and blops for me to possibly shy away from it. They only made these kind of tracks for those game systems from the late 80's and early 90's and I have to say, watching this video I had a real nostalgic trip. Reminiscing of those days before the internet and a time before the likes of Michael Bay had stained our young with his horrible movie-making, a time where the world seemed a great place, and I was just an innocent little boy playing Donkey Kong on my brothers Super Nintendo. Oh, how time flies by.
This is off the awesome movie/games reviewing site, "That Guy With The", put together by the awfully french "Benzaie" who's made a bunch of these videos honoring game soundtracks of old, you can check em out here

The game also looks pretty cool, you have to admit that in the gaming world shooting out hearts out of the chest rather than bullets out of guns is a pretty unusual concept. 
The composer of the music is a guy called Barry Leitch who's worked on over 240 games over the course of the last three decades. This guy has totally become my new obsesession, I wish he would be enlisted for the sequel to the space saga that is Mass Effect. I just know that he's the one to conduct the melodies to make you feel the deep silence of space.
Thank you Benzaie!

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